Maintaining the cold chain is the top priority in food hygiene. We have the meals produced for the Flamingo children’s hospice in the Sunnetal retirement center next door. In the Cook-n-Chill process, these are professionally cooled to transport and storage temperature. We need the blu’mobil for transportation from Sunnetal to Flamingo. With the right cold packs, we can bring the meals in this trolley to our cold store without any risk.
Your donation will be used for the selected product whenever possible. In the further development of the donation shop we will create different product categories. Each donation product is assigned to a category, which is listed in the product information. We currently only offer products in the “Construction” category, in line with the progress of the project. If we urgently need funds for other expenses in this area, your donation can also be used for this. This gives us the opportunity to use your donation where it is most urgently needed. We are grateful for your valuable support!